The Snack Sack, LLC, is a mutual aid fund. We are not a registered 501(c)(3).
Please see our philosophy on mutual aid.
Send a Snack Sack
A $50 contribution supports one family for two weeks.
Send a Snack Sack to a family in The Snack Sack Network. These care packages contain food, hygiene products, and other necessities, and are then shipped directly to marginalized families across the country. Any amount helps maintain this ongoing support system!
Sponsor Safer at Home
A $50 contribution funds a SAH night for a family.
The Snack Sack Safer at Home provides an opportunity for marginalized families to experience a worry-free evening with dinner and a movie. The pandemic is an ongoing threat to underprivileged communities, and this program provides relief and support to those in our network.
Support At Home Libraries
A $20 contribution provides a book + shipping & handling.
The Snack Sack carefully selects age-appropriate and culturally relevant books for our families. We then work with authors and vendors to ship books. Snack Sack children can experience receiving a package on their doorstep--addressed in their name--that they can read again and again.
Contribute to Family Day Out
We appreciate that you would like to fundraise on behalf of The Snack Sack for your birthday, a holiday, or other event. For transparent financial records, we ask you please submit a fundraising application (linked below) so we are able to set up a unique campaign for tracking and allocating. Thank you for your understanding!
Join the Team
The Snack Sack team has openings! These positions are for allies who have a passion for social justice issues and can volunteer up to 10 hours per week, pro bono. If you would like to support Chamieka and The Snack Sack Family Network with your time and expertise, please use the link below to apply.
Note: This form works best from a desktop or tablet.
Supporting a great cause doesn't always manifest as financial donations. Please consider some of the alternative options below as a way to increase the reach of our mutual aid fund:
Follow The Snack Sack on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or Pinterest. Click on the icons to find our profiles.
Share our website and social media posts with your friends and family.
Refer families who need support to our services.
Consider ways in which you can raise awareness; fundraising, goods/services in exchange for donations, or virtual events that promote the cause.
Tag our social media profiles in conversations to share our mission!