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is the snack sack a non-profit?

The Snack Sack has intentionally chosen not to be a U.S. 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. Instead, the Snack Sack is a mutual aid fund. The money we receive is given directly to people in need through food deliveries, rent and utility support, cash, and other services. Mutual aid is about communities supporting one another (and acknowledging that some have less opportunities than others). You can read more in the Snack Sack blog post, Nobody Gets Turned Away: 3 Differences Between Mutual Aid and Charity.


We have chosen to remain a mutual aid fund and not a nonprofit for multiple reasons:

In addition to the above, there are some common misunderstandings about the roles, services, and benefits of charitable nonprofits:

We hope this has provided more insight about our nonprofit status and the reasons we have chosen this path. You can read more in our blog post series about mutual aid -

  1. Supporting Mutual Aid Without White Saviorism

  2. The Racial Wealth Gap in the United States

  3. Solidarity, not Charity - Mutual Aid as Reparations

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